Yes, I know he is a hippy folks, but at least he is a hippy with genuine integrity. How many politicians can we say that about?
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"This bird should not have to work 40 hours a week and still be short of worms" |
Sure Sanders has never actually served in the military, but I have never used a tampon before and I can still see the appeal.
"Put the kettle on luv, Ive had a shit day at work." |
Indeed, is not seeing half as much traffic as it should be, as the vast majority of those that have served in the United States military seem to gravitate towards the Republican party.
As a veteran I can definitely see some appeal to Trump, despite the crass comments and the fact that it looks like he cuts his own hair in the garden shed with a broken bottle.
For starters, he says exactly what he thinks, or perhaps what he thinks people want to hear, it's impossible to tell which. But either way, it is refreshing to hear a politician talk straight for a change. Unfortunately though, as a billionaire with a vast fortune that he was essentially born into, his appeal should be very limited. As everyone knows, 99% of soldiers do not come from privileged background and many struggle to find good jobs when they leave the service.
Getting grenades throw at you when you are trying to take a shit is not a life choice that people who are born into wealth tend to gravitate towards making. I can understand that, I probably wouldn't have joined the Royal Marine Commandos, earned a Green Beret, and straddled the battlefield like a mighty colossus for a decade if my dad had enough money to pay me through university either. No judgement from me here.
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"It was fun and all pop, but I really wish I had spent the last two years shitting in a cave instead" |
But Trump can never understand what it really means to be poor and working class, its something that has to be lived, and veterans do indeed live it. The same goes for Clinton, Cruz, and all the rest.
Recent data suggests that veterans in the United States are
- Less likely to have a college degree
- Twice as likely to be homeless
- Make up 33% of the homeless community at any given time
- More likely to suffer from substance abuse problems
- More reliant on food and clothing banks
- At higher risk of suicide
And much more besides.
Who do veterans think is going to work the hardest to ensure that they get the help as assistance they need when they leave the armed forces? A somewhat obnoxious billionaire with a numerous business interests, or a dyed-in-the-wool socialist type who has fought for better treatment for the poor and needy for his entire political career?
Sure he seems to view the world through a rose tinted lens. His views on immigration and the rehousing of asylum seekers from a troubled area when we have no sensible way of vetting them genuinely worries me, but America is a nation of checks and balances. He will not have the freedom to enact the most damaging aspects of his plans, because that is not how this country works. He is not the supreme leader, and the U.S. Constitution ensures he never will be.
Who do veterans think is going to work the hardest to ensure that they get the help as assistance they need when they leave the armed forces? A somewhat obnoxious billionaire with a numerous business interests, or a dyed-in-the-wool socialist type who has fought for better treatment for the poor and needy for his entire political career?
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"When I was in the White House, we had to eat a member of our 60 man Secret Service team just to survive" |
Sure he seems to view the world through a rose tinted lens. His views on immigration and the rehousing of asylum seekers from a troubled area when we have no sensible way of vetting them genuinely worries me, but America is a nation of checks and balances. He will not have the freedom to enact the most damaging aspects of his plans, because that is not how this country works. He is not the supreme leader, and the U.S. Constitution ensures he never will be.
A Man with a Plan
But I can ignore all of that, because he at least has a vision, and will attempt to do the right thing for the neediest people in our society, of which, veterans are undoubtedly a very high proportion of.
And even withough all of that, I can back Sanders for the simple fact that I think he has shown better judgment than Hillary Clinton in 3 very important ways.
Sanders seems to show genuinely good judgement with regard to his choices about war and foreign conflict. He is definitely smarter than some of the intelligence officers that I worked with, but then again, so is my nephew, and he is 6 years old and has lengthy conversations with his Easter eggs.
Bernie Sanders voted for the war in Afghanistan, and so would I.
Bernie Sanders voted against the war in Iraq, and so would I.
Hillary Clinton, well, we all know that she voted for the war in Iraq, Bernie Sanders mentions it 6 days a week. I'm not judging her particularly badly for that, it was a stupid war, and a pointless one, but it could possibly be an honest mistake on her part rather than a cynical decision made to please some shadowy business interests. But as George W. Bush himself said...
I did 2 tours in Iraq, it was a messy business. In places like they, they simply do not practice democracy like we do. They understand force, and they tread warily around the biggest dog in the kennel. We all know who that was.
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"I don't smoke many cigars, but I like to smoke a fat one whenever Tariq Aziz" |
Saddam Hussein was a bad-mother-fucker. He killed lots of people, but we had a dialogue with Saddam Hussein. He had a functioning country and a functioning government and we could actually work with him. Saddam was basically told he was good to go by the U.S. Government before the invasion of Kuwait that preceded Desert Storm. His now infamous meeting with U.S. ambassador April Glaspie is common knowledge, but let's not get into that here.
Saddam Hussein's Iraq was basically functioning as intended, deaths sat at a few thousand a year, and funny thing, because burying people up to their necks and throwing bricks at them until they are dead works as an active deterrent, secular killings (the Sunni/Shia debacle has cost over a million lives) were at a minimum. A strong and brutal leader kept a country with deep rooted societal divisions functioning as intended.
Post Saddam Hussein Iraq looks almost as bad as Sunderland.
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Sunderland following a $90 million gentrification package |
And Hillary Clinton wants to get rid of Bashar al-Assad.
Doing the exact same thing and expecting different results is the very definition of stupidity.
Assad is another bad-mother-fucker. He kills lots of people, but we had a dialogue with Bashar al-Assad. He had a functioning country and a functioning government and we could actually work with him. Bashar al-Assad kept secular killings at a minimum with force, and fear. But Bashar al-Assad was and is a secularist. His wife lived and educated in London, he protected the Christian minority of Syria with threats of force, and occasional, brutal actions of force too.
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"Hafez! Hafez! Stand next to the clown and smile or I shall grind his bones to powder and leave him for the jackals!" |
The work of the likes of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar is what saw him fighting a dirty civil war. A dirty civil war that started because all of those countries tacitly endorse Jihad. This is common knowledge. The propagation of Islam is the motivating factor. Erdogan has been encouraging the spread of Islamism in once secular Turkey for many years. The Saudis and many of their allies view getting rid of Ultra-Othodox ISIS as a problem that comes a distant second to ridding the world of Israel and spreading their faith.
President Obama essentially wanted to carry on with the same ridiculous plan that George W Bush enacted, to replace a brutal dictator that kept a country stable, with a bunch of religious fanatics, one of which, ate a mans heart on camera.
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"Leave it to soften for twenty minutes in a puddle, garnish it with pubes..... fucking lovely" |
It is criminally stupid, and makes me think the conspiracy theorists have a point. Rather than arming the rebels, we should have been covertly backing Assad. This would allow us to carry on the charade with our "allies" in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but still have a stable functioning country, and thus not have to worry even more about ISIS, as a strong Assad regime would make short work of the rebels, ISIS, and any other assholes that wanted to carve their own Caliphate out.
I'm glad these pricks are on our side |
So, whether Democrat or Republican, I can give any veteran 5 good reasons why Bernie Sanders is the best option.
- Voted for the war that had a point, and against the one that didn't
- Spoke out against forcing an Assad regime change and opposed bombing Syria
- Is certain to increase spending for numerous Veterans programs
- Wishes to provide free college tuition, another boon for those with limited GI Bill funding.
- Nationalized health care would immeasurably benefit the many veterans that carry both physical and mental scars
- I wouldn't believe Hillary Clinton's radio
Ok, that was six.
The blog post falls short in the very first paragraph, "he is a hippy with genuine integrity".
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why many veterans will not vote for Mr Sanders.
While the US military, army in my case, tries to instill values like duty, integrity, respect and selflessness, the bitter truth is that most soldiers that I served with lack all of those values when they enter the military. 18 years of a childhood that teaches none of these values are not going to change because you do 10 weeks of boot camp, recite a creed and watch a million power point slides.
While these values may hold true for small elite units, and they may be necessary for these units to be able to complete their missions, they do not for the majority of US DoD employees. But if you look at the chase for fame from Navy Seals involved in the bin laden mission, even elite units are not all what we would like them to be.
I served with an extremely tight nit tank company in Sweden. From a comradery, duty and integrity standpoint I had the same experience as you see on war movies on TV. There was nothing we wouldn't do for each other, and we were so close that even people without the same values adapted to fit in.
Based on that experience, I later joined the US army and did one tour with a route clearance company. I craved that comradery again. The differences between the two companies were mind boggling. After being with three units in the US Army, I can definitely see a pattern.
So, to say that veterans should vote for Mr Sanders, because he has integrity, based on the assumption that veterans have integrity, falls short, because the assumption doesn't hold true.
For the common soldier in the US Army, they have very little in common with Mr Sanders. And if she thinks that the 2nd amendment is being questioned, it is probably a deal breaker when election comes around.